Teacher’s Guide Flashdrive including:
The MIGHTY LESSON KIT containing 16 video presentations of Composer and Selection Background Information, Video Mini Lesson highlighting key musical elements, Animated VideoMap and a Quick Quiz. Also includes the Recordings of 16 music selections and Theme Bank, Recordings of Practice Test Tracks, Videos for Kinesthetic Titles and Movement Activities, PDFs with materials for 16 selections - Color & B/W Listening Maps, Complete Lesson Plans, Wall Posters, Composer Portraits, Puzzles & Review Activities, Practice Testing Materials and Movement Activities.
The Teacher Print Binder, a 3-ring notebook with ALL the text materials from the Teacher’s Guide Flashdrive printed. This Print Binder makes pulling materials very accessible for teachers. Lesson Plans, Listening Maps, Assessments, Official Practice Tests and Puzzle/Review Pages are all printed in this Print Binder.
Basic Teacher Flashdrive with Print Binder (25)
o Teacher’s Guide Flashdrive contains16 MIGHTY LESSON KIT video presentations featuring enhanced Composer and Selection Information, a Mini-Lesson that identifies key musical elements, Animated VideoMaps, and a Quick Quiz for each selection. Kinesthetic Title videos and Movement Activity videos are a big hit with students. Richly colored, animated maps visually reinforce themes, melodic contour, rhythm, form, instrument tone color, style, historical context and more!
o YouTube links for the Mighty Lesson Kit components included for easy use online with students.
o Full Color Listening Map PDFs included to project on a screen as well as Black & White Listening Map PDFs to print for students to use.
o Extra support materials included: Activity Pages, Flashcards, Composer Portraits, Review Games, Substitute Activities, Reader’s Theater Scripts, Movement Activities, and Background Pages for historical context information. BONUS special materials for use with Pre-K, K and 1st graders are also included.
o Picture Assessments featuring graphics from the maps for young students, mainstreamed and ESL learners.
o Teacher Organization Information, all new Lesson Plans with Notated Themes, Background/Composer Information, Color & B/W Listening Maps, links to outstanding live performances and alternate version performances, Recordings of 16 music selections, Theme Bank Audio Tracks and Official Practice Test recordings for assessment and contest preparation, Official Practice Test forms/answer sheets, Wall Posters and TEKS and National Music Standards Correlations.
o PLUS –
The Teacher Print Binder, a 3-ring notebook with ALL the text materials from the Teacher’s Guide Flashdrive printed. This Print Binder makes pulling materials very accessible for teachers. Lesson Plans, Listening Maps, Assessments, Official Practice Tests and Puzzle/Review Pages are all printed in this Print Binder.